Local Info


There is a village notice board in the garden of the post office. The village hall has a notice board. Speen Parish Council has a notice board on the junction of the B4000 and Church Road.



There is a Church magazine published monthly that can be purchased from the village shop.
Our church warden is Shirley Wernham on 01488 608318.
The Grapevine is published quarterly in January/ April/ July and October. Produced and paid for by the village hall and delivered free to your door. Submit articles to stockcrossgrapevine@gmail.com.
Newbury Weekly News published Thursdays weekly.

Facebook pages/groups

Other contacts:

Stockcross Tennis club – Nick Drewe 01488 608332
Stockcross Bridge Club- Lynne Phillips 01488 608249
Stockcross Billiards & Snooker Club – TBC
Stockcross 2 O’clock Crowd – Jane Batt 01488 608762